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Thursday, November 18, 2010

I am a Plow

I am getting sick and tired of being used to move the dirties and least sanitary substance on this planet, DIRT. I just get used all the time I don't have any real friends nobody cares about me. Nobody even goes to the trouble of cleaning me because they just figure ill get dirty anyway, but what can i do. Maybe one day I just don't start than I will either have my guys ripped apart and put back together or  I will be compacted into a square of metal the size of a sugar cube. Maybe it is not as bad as i think it is maybe my existence does have meaning, I have made the lives of manual laborers easier by doing their job quicker and more efficiently than they ever could of. I have helped build the greatest monuments of the human race since my birth. O but the things I have been apart of the graves that I have dug the trenches I have made, but we all have participated in acts that we wish we hadn't, right? Remember when farmers had to go and dig and plant the seeds themselves now I do half of that job. I have made the advancement of your race more rapid and exponentially easier. The next time you see me out doing my thing don't be afraid to stop by and tell me you appreciate me, I never get any love because I plow through dirt and I spend way too much time with the worms.

1 comment:

  1. I think you took an interesting aspect on how to tell the story of the plow, it is interesting how you told it in first person
