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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Us VS Them

When in a conflict it is almost human nature to stay loyal to your argument rather than admit what you said was wrong and agree with the other person. We would rather argue our point to the death that admit we were wrong. This has happened to all of us whether or not it was a big argument or just a simple disagreement between friends we  feel that if we agree with the other person we relinquish the rights that we have and become a lesser person. In a way this is exactly the opposite by agreeing with the other person you can show that you are a smart enough person to realize when you are wrong and to not give into the pigheadedness expected of us. While our human culture would not be the same if everyone always agreed with one another we would probably set back to the stone ages if fierce rivalries or just the drive to accomplish or create something just because we were told that we couldn't. But maybe that competitive drive is what keeps us moving forward, forward towards the next big discovery, the next big invention, the next big innovation, the next big THING really. That drive is what makes mankind a hideous and wonderful thing, would Gandhi have liberated the Indian people from the British if he agreed with what they were doing, or would the British have ever delved into affairs in India if not for the competition between European nations in that time. If the competitive nature of mankind did not exist would there be new ideas and if there these ideas would stand uncontested without a doubt in anyones mind that they were a good idea. If not for the competitive nature of our race we could still be in caves roasting rabbits on a spit or worse than that we wouldn't even exist.

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