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Monday, February 21, 2011


We all are aware of the propaganda that surrounds us every where. I don't think that it can just be classified as the government doing it but it has become a standard practice in the advertising world. Vilanizing the other side, or in most cases the other products. It has become the norm to boost up your product by not showing what it does better than everyone else but by showing the flaws of every one else, breaking down their products all the while building up your own. But of course this is not what we think of when we think of propaganda no we think of something much more negative and dark. Something used by the government to exploit the people to get them to follow along like mindless drones to the biddings of big brother. I cannot see the explicit representation of this anymore because it has taken a new form. They have no need to directly represent what they are trying to say, they have ever major news network where they can process what the nation sees so they can sympathize with the pain others are going through, so we will always support them. 

Sunday, February 13, 2011

give credit where it is due.

I am sure you have ready every blog and seen every angle on beat street and black boy that a teenager could think up, and I am sure your getting a little bored of it. So I  am going to switch things up for you and maybe introduce you to some new music. Now if you frequent music blogs I am sure you have heard about the group from L.A. called odd future. As a warning everything about this group is vulgar X rated and some of it is just disgusting but thats what I've come to love about them. Its so good to have a group that doesn't sensor themselves because they are afraid that they will sell less albums because if they have been trying to they aren't doing a good job. I am proud to say that I have known about them for a while now and am not just catching on after they are starting to make it onto a much larger stage than they are on now. The more you buy into the music that they are throwing at you the more you start to like it and the more you want to listen to it. Maybe the most impressive part of it though is that the leader of the group, wolf haley, tyler the creator whatever you want to know him as, he makes most of the beats that the whole group raps on. The group is starting to come into the extremely lacking pop culture of my generation. um. this relates to beatstreet because they were both the pop culture of the time and while we like to think that they are polar opposites the way people express themselves as an individual goes against grain it creates a taboo that the masses glom onto and try to commercialize but hopefully odd future doesn't give in and keep doing what they do.
listen to the first sample of tyler's new alblum at
its odd

Friday, February 4, 2011

who cr cra crav craves attentionen

Don't ever try to deny that we are attention whores, if given a preference of having the attention given to a new born baby or given to yourself, you are going to put a blanket over that baby for the time being strip down to a speedo tie a cape around your neck and seep it all in. This is not wierd but this is what I think is human nature. We would do almost anything in a time of desperation to get attention, shave our head, get a ridiculous tattoo, assault a kangaroo at the lincoln park zoo. I am not saying that any sane person would do somthing like that, but does that really sound like somthing you would NEVER do? Sometimes we want the attention so bad that it become habit for us to do these things with out even going through the mental process of wanting attention. It is a subliminal want and in some cases a subliminal need. Maybe it is our most human trait but then again it could be our most primal, after all the apes bang on their chest and hoot and holler to get attention. Even the shyest person in the world dreams about being a rockstar!  Who would have a dream about sitting in the middle of class and watching everyone else get attention, oh wait that is a dream, its just a nightmare. (excuse any spelling errors or whatever i was definitly in the school library before i usually have gotten out of bed!)